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The situation and defects of the development of medium wire cutting machine

Jan. 11, 2021

With the development of industrial production demand and continuous progress, Mid-speed wire cutting machine has become unique in China, it has the characteristics of high speed wire and slow speed wire, but at the same time, it also has its own bad place.

The first is the problem of loss. Molybdenum wire is indispensable to the middle wire. After a long time of processing, the loss of molybdenum wire is very large, and the loss of molybdenum wire becomes larger. The precision of the workpiece is not so high, and the processed workpiece can not meet the original requirements. At this time, it is necessary to check and replace the molybdenum wire.

The second problem is the splash of water. When the molybdenum wire is running at high speed, a large amount of moisture will be generated around the molybdenum wire, which will lead to circuit problems around the machine tool for a long time.

The second is the service life of the accessories. If the accessories are not replaced for a long time, the stability and accuracy of the machine tool are affected. At the same time, when the machine tool is running at high speed, the wear of the accessories is large.

Because the molybdenum wire is reciprocating in the cylinder, it is very difficult to keep the consistency of the cylinder forward and backward.

Therefore, it is a bit difficult to produce a medium speed wire which can surpass the slow speed wire. This is the direction that the industry is striving for. In spite of the above defects, there are only advantages that other types of machine tools do not have, that is, the price and use cost are much lower than those of imported machine tools, which is also the reason for the middle walking machine tools.

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