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Maintenance of Wire cutting machine

Jan. 07, 2021

WEDM is not suitable for working in dirty and high temperature and humidity environment. The power supply environment of power grid also has higher requirements. The power supply voltage of WEDM should not be less than ± 10%, and the three phases should be balanced and stable. The power grid of WEDM is too bad, so it is necessary to install voltage stabilizing source. In addition to keeping the machine clean and lubricated, the following parts must be carefully maintained:

The guide rail and lead screw of wire cutting machine must not be contaminated with dirty water and dirt. Once there is dirt, clean it with clean cotton yarn, and then dip it in 10 ᦇ engine oil with degreasing cotton and rub it again.

For the service life of the guide wheel and bearing of WEDM machine tool, the too dirty coolant should also be replaced. If the machine tool is not opened for a short time, the guide wheel should rotate for dozens of seconds without water, the pile should be thrown out, the plug of the guide wheel seat should be removed, and the grease should be injected to discharge the dirt through the oil gap, so that the guide wheel and bearing are always in a clean state.

The coupling and key on the shaft and motor of wire cutting machine should be in a tight and stable state. Once the key is loose and the coupling strikes, the cushion and key of the coupling should be replaced immediately. After a long time of commutation with clearance, the keyway on the shaft will be deformed and expanded.

For the on-line cable between the control cabinet of WEDM and the machine tool, the floor dragging part shall be protected by cover plate or plastic plate, and shall not be trampled at will. The wire shall be in a loose and free state, and shall not be pulled by external force, the cable plug shall not be stressed, and the corrugated sheath of the cable shall not be crushed flat.

When moving the control console (cabinet) of WEDM machine tool, handle it with care. Don't insert or remove the greasy hands, and touch the connector or keyboard.

Any part of the surface of the WEDM machine must not be knocked or collided, especially the interference between the wire frame and the surface of the machine due to the over stroke motion, which will seriously damage the parts or accuracy of the machine.

We should always pay attention to make the conductive block in a good conductive and insulation state with the bed, the cushion strip on the workbench must be insulated with the bed, the dragging line of the stepping motor should be in a free state, and the stepping motor should ensure that there is no dirty water immersion.

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